Last week in my church, Tell-a-Tale Productions showcased a brilliantly scripted, directed, and acted play about the decay of fatherhood in Kenya’s society. Men are no longer fathers; no longer role models to their sons (and daughters). Thus, their children perpetuate all kinds of immorality in the society. To show the realism of it all, the director talked about various actors of the play itself, whose fathers had failed to be fathers.
Indeed, this conversation about fathers has been going on in Kenya for quiet some time. Newspapers and lifestyle magazines record it all with titles such as “Fathers, where are you?”, “Will the Real Man please stand up”, “Men Needed”...It’s so sad to see how far the Enemy has gone to destroy the family. Even the Church is under siege, with fathers failing to be the priests of the household, leaving their wives as the sole carriers of the faith.
In the midst of this ensuing conversation, I took time to look at my own life. To cut the long story short, I have been BLESSED. I have a wonderful man for a father. When I am away at school, he makes sure to call me at least three times a week. He has always provided for all of my needs: physical, psychological, spiritual. I can’t compare him to anyone. Indeed, I can only hope that my husband can be half the man that my father is.
Unfortunately, not all men are like my father or the many other great fathers out there. Hence, the mentoring of young men is sorely lacking. Unless we have an intervention, our society will continue churning out men who are not really men; simple shells without any real substance within. What then must we do? Where should all the young men and women without fathers turn to?
In the Book of Psalms 68:5, the Bible states “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling”. God clearly assumes the role of a father when earthly fathers fail. He steps in to direct the lives of the fatherless. Indeed, what greater joy than having a supernatural father for a father?
Of course, as human beings, we may still crave the physical presence of an earthly father. Looking at others, we may wish to have fathers of our own. This is where spiritual fathers come in. In the Bible, Timothy had a spiritual father—Paul (1 Corinthians 4:15-17). These fathers can serve as our earthly fathers, providing a much-needed communion that is both biblical and relevant in today’s society. And even in the absence of spiritual fathers, God, in His wisdom will provide. He is Jehovah-Jireh.
So, let’s all get down on our knees. Let’s pray for our society. Pray for the men in your life, the one’s who are yet to enter the into the institution of fatherhood. I will pray for my brothers, my friends, my future husband, my future sons. Pray also for those who are fathers now, so that they may step into the role that God has pre-destined for them. For God, who raised Christ out of the dead, is able to do immeasurably more than what we can ask or imagine.
All Glory be to the Greatest Father.