Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog chronicles a mostly 4-year journey of love, life, and loss. It's now time to retire. However, feel free to browse and read through the posts.
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Friday, April 19, 2013

Overcoming I

We sat together in the dark-lit room,
Him facing me and I facing him
He asked me what I would tell you if I saw you
If I had the chance to touch your stony-cold feel
Taste your shadows that linger in the past
In the present darkness

Sticking like a second skin to ebony
Like the green winter coat that she wore
On a sunny day in mid-January longing
For them to invite her to the circle
To hold her close and love her

I told him I would go to her
Ride the wave of time back to her side
Hug her close to my heart
And plant a kiss on her cheek
I told him I would tell her to block you out
Shun the voices that crowd her
Remember the happy days
When hearts will soar and compassion will come calling
And love, sweet love…

I would tell you that
You might taunt her
And break her
And grow a wound so deep
She will want to scream you to hell

But you will never overcome.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
(John 16:33)

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